good thoughts. good thinking.
coaching and workshops to empower scientists
helping scientists thrive by building resilience, setting boundaries and managing stress

Feel like you need a new brain to manage your next big scientific breakthrough?

Science needs healthy brains to tackle current research challenges.

I offer self-management & mental health coaching for scientists.
hi, i’m hanna.
I’m a former scientist turned mental health coach, and I’m here to help academics take care of their well-being in the fast-paced, high-pressure world of research.
As a molecular biologist, I know the passion and dedication it takes to thrive in academia—and I’ve also experienced the toll it can take. That’s why I’ve made it my mission to support researchers like you, offering workshops and coaching to build resilience, prevent burnout, and create healthier, more balanced careers in science.

What do researchers need?

Learn more about me and my work by listening to this podcast episode with the Young Immunologist or by reading this article about resilience that I co-authored and this conference summary: